Tourniquet machine.
Most useful equipment in orthopedic surgery not only in orthopedic but in much more type of surgery this machine is used. that stop the flow of minimum lost of blood during the surgery.
Tourniquet machine its function is similar to the blood pressure machine.fill the air in to the cuff. but in to the tourniquet machine the sir pressure maintain in to the cuff. thus it give the positive pressure to the body.
blood pressure measurment air pressure created but after that automatically air pressure released in blood pressure equipment. but tourniquet machine maintain the pressure inside the cuff so it make constant pressure on human body same amount of opposite pressure from body to cuff. so due to this positive and negative pressure blood not flow ahead from that body part.simple structure of tourniquet machine simple mechanism that fill the air in to the cuff.and a programmer circuit that hold that pressure inside the cuff for given certain time thus that time of period no blood will flow through that part.
Tourniquet machine applications.
- Main Application is to prevent the loss of blood during the surgery.
- Also it use by forest department the stop spreading poison of snake or any animals in body.
Effect of over use Tourniquet machine.
- Tourniquet machine generate high amount of positive pressure if without proper guideline use constantly at high pressure it can easily damage any blood effect of that cause a paralysis or life time pain at that body part.even doctor not use it constantly and they operate at normal pressure so it not affect the patient body.